Client: Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie
Location : Paris & International outreach
Date: 2004-2014
Our role: Concept and program
Area: 400 m2
Format: Touring exhibition
(c) Copyright: CSI
The touring exhibition will showcase several exhibits from the Cité des Enfants, covering four main topics:
• Communication Techniques: Children will actively experiment with different communication techniques to determine their purposes.
• How does it work? Children will uncover the fundamental principles of traditional and modern technical activities by assembling various elements.
• Exploring the living world: By observing animals and plants, children will understand the organisation of life, including invisible life.
• You and everyone else: Children will be encouraged to explore the intricate workings of the human body, recognising it as a fantastic machine.
The exhibition was realised in collaboration with the Cité des Sciences team.
A pioneering interactive exhibition dedicated to early childhood. it is a unique place for exploration and experimentation.
A hands-on exhibition for children and teens to discover the different facets of electricity.
An experimental exhibition for toddlers to foster social and emotional intelligence.