The adventure of learning


Key facts

  • Client: Cité des Sciences et l'Industrie

  • Location : Paris

  • Date: 2000 - 2001

  • Our role: Concept, program & curation 

  • Area: 1200 m2

  • Format: Temporary exhibition

(c) Copyright: CSI

About the exhibition

The exhibition explored the concept of learning and the desire to acquire knowledge. It examined various aspects of motivation and engagement in the learning process.:

How does learning work? What about our emotions when we're learning? What happens in our brains? How does context influence learning, and how have educational practices evolved throughout history?

In this exhibition, the visitors are the subject and object of their visit. The exhibition included engaging, participatory activities to demonstrate the many different ways of learning and discover the underlying mechanisms of learning. 

The exhibition was realised in collaboration with Michel Tortel (design) and the Cité des Sciences team.

Related exhibitions

The Science of Sharing

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Me Games

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