Key facts

  • Client: Cité des Sciences et l'Industrie

  • Location : Paris

  • Date: 2003-2017

  • Our role: Concept, program & curation 

  • Area: 400 m2

  • Format: Temporary & touring exhibition

(c) Copyright: CSI

About the exhibition

ME Games is an exhibition that uses games as a tool for self-discovery and talent exploration in a social setting. 

We studied the intersection between social games and human behaviour. Indeed, games convey life in society, a human activity governed by rules and customs. How players interact, exchange ideas and compete, consciously or unconsciously developing ways of being and doing, reflects their daily lives, behaviour and interactions. 

The fifteen board games selected for the exhibition have been creatively transformed and enlarged, with their elements - cards, boards, draughts, hourglasses - modified. Renamed for the exhibition, they are now called 'diagnose', 'improvise', ‘dialogue'... from the action verb that characterises them, and are grouped into five families:

• Communication and interaction focus on transmitting, sharing, and listening.

• Strategy and tactics require the ability to diagnose a situation and decide on a course of action.

• Creation and innovation, where invention, improvisation and the association of ideas reign supreme.

• Teamwork and cooperation require players to decide on common strategies, engage in dialogue, coordinate and take risks together.

• Reactivity and crisis management, where players have to react quickly but sensibly in stressful situations.

The exhibition was realised in collaboration with Alexander Chino, Benoit Lamy (design), and the Cité des Sciences team.

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